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“She is a beautiful woman,” he grated. “A beautiful woman who is probably using her power to enchant helpless men, women and children and burn them alive––and then she comes back to watch while they do. Which makes her as sick and twisted as her mother.”
“Then the sooner you obtain the evidence needed for termination order approval, the sooner you can stop her for good.” Command’s flinty tone softened. “Captain, we gave you this assignment because you personally understand how callous rogue witches are. The humans we watch over have no way to protect themselves against her power, and those who are left behind can never be compensated for their loss. How many more should have to suffer what you endured before she’s stopped?”
Being reminded of the traitorous rogue witch who had sought revenge on him by causing his entire family to be burned at the stake iced over Jackson’s temper.
“None,” he said flatly. “I’ll initiate contact tomorrow. When I do have the evidence of her crimes, however, I want to be the one to carry out the sanction. If she has even half of her mother’s powers, she’s too dangerous to risk anyone else taking her on. Is that understood?”
“That’s why we sent you, Captain,” Command said. “To fight fire with fire.”
THE SOUND OF her doorbell chiming dragged Audrey from her thin, troubled sleep, and she staggered out of bed as she went to answer it.
“Afternoon, Sleepy Head,” Hannah Gardener said as she presented her with a cloth-covered basket. “I’ve brought you peach raspberry scones, Devonshire cream and a small thermos of coconut oolong with honey.”
Audrey rubbed her eyes. “Is that breakfast?”
“Much more so than your usual Egg McMuffin.” A tall, graceful brunette with large violet eyes and long slim legs, Hannah wore a pale champagne-colored shift dress with a narrow, golden pearl-studded belt. “Now, come out onto the veranda so we can chat before I leave.”
Audrey yawned as she followed her godmother out onto the small back porch, where her pet barn owl Plato squawked and peered sleepily out of the hole in the wooden crate she’d fashioned into a house for him.
“It’s okay, Plato. It’s just me and our landlady.”
After inspecting them both with his piercing dark eyes, the snowy-white owl settled back down on his perch and nodded off.
“That is the laziest bird on the planet,” Hannah said as she unloaded the basket on Audrey’s wicker porch table, and then stopped and sniffed several times. “Why do you smell like bad barbecue?”
“I had a call to another fire last night, and when I finally got home I was too tired to shower.” Audrey sat down on the wicker rocker next to the table and opened the thermos. “You look very nice. Where are you going this time?”
“Portland,” Hannah said as she took out her compact and touched up her lipstick. She caught Audrey watching her and grimaced. “I know, I’m horribly vain, but when you get to my age you have to be constantly vigilant about your looks.”
Audrey rolled her eyes. “Aunt Hannah, you look younger than I do.”
“Nonsense.” Her godmother looked pleased, however, and patted her hair. “Now, I’ll be gone until next weekend, but if you need me you can call me on the mobile. As for the back garden: the roses desperately need trimming, the lavender is trying to choke out the pansies, and I think the morning glories are a little depressed.”
“I’ll beat them into submission.” Audrey sipped the tea she’d poured into the thermos top, savored the delightful tropical taste of the coconut, and then eyed the jar next to the fruit-studded scones. “What’s Devonshire cream?”
“A more civilized version of butter.” Hannah finally sat down in the other wicker rocker but immediately began fiddling with the oddly-shaped golden pendant she always wore. “Audrey darling, there are also some herbs I need you to pick up for me while I’m gone.”
Her godmother’s tentative tone made Audrey groan. “Please, don’t make me go to that place again.”
“I don’t have time and it’s the only shop that carries what I need for my herbal facial masques.” The older woman sighed. “I know Mariah’s eccentricities make you feel a bit uncomfortable, but she’s completely harmless,”
“Harmless. Okay. Mariah talks like a crazy person and smells like she lines her clothes with dirty moss, which I could handle, but she also keeps touching me in weird places and making all these bizarre predictions.” She recalled the herb shop owner’s strange eyes and shuddered a little. “Even the way she looks at me makes me feel like changing my name, dyeing my hair and moving to Key West.”
Hannah frowned. “Why Key West?”
“It’s as far as I can get away from her without crossing into international waters.” Audrey smothered another yawn. “Look, I’ll go, but if she tells me again that I need to dance naked under the moonlight with her and her friends while we worship the goddess of the moon––who, by the way, she thinks is my great-great-great-great grandmother––I’m done running herb errands.”
“I had no idea she was saying such things to you.” Her godmother usually snickered over her jokes about Mariah, but now she looked almost upset. “You know, darling, never mind. I’ll pick up what I need this time in Portland.”
Audrey toasted her with the thermos cup. “Now I will love you forever.”
Hannah’s eyes shifted, and a moment later the phone inside the guesthouse rang. “Well, you’d better get that, and I’d better call for the car. Is there anything I can bring back for you?”
“More of this tea. It’s amazing.” Audrey got to her feet along with her godmother and gave her a hug before she went inside to pick up the phone. “Mather. Make it quick, it’s my day off.”
“Same here.” Norm yawned audibly. “Sorry. I just got a call from a buddy of mine in the fire department. Your Viking dude wants to get in touch with you, but I thought I’d check before I handed over your home phone number.”
“You mean Jackson?” She felt a little stunned. “Sure, yeah, I guess it’s okay.”
“You know if I’m going to play operator to your love life I should at least get all the details on the first date,” her partner teased, and then yelped and added, “Uh, scratch that. It seems my wife objects.”
In the background Audrey heard a sweet voice say, “Darn right I do, you lecher.”
After she hung up with Norm, Audrey paced around the phone until it rang again a few minutes later. As she reached for the receiver she saw her hand was trembling.
I can do this. It won’t be a disaster. I am date-worthy.
She finally made herself pick up the phone and said, “Hello?”
“Audrey, it’s Jackson Daniels.” He sounded even sexier on the phone. “Thanks for giving me your number.”
“No problem.” Her knees wobbled, and she slowly sank down on the couch. “Are you at work?”
“I actually have the next couple days off, which is why I’m calling.” His voice softened. “I’d like to see you when there isn’t a burning building nearby. Want to meet me for coffee tonight?”
She had to say something, and blurted out the first thing that came into her head.
“I’m not into coffee, but I drink tea. Is that okay?”
“Of course it is. Ah, do you know that little Asian place on Ballard? The one with the red dragon on the door?”
He’d just named her favorite tea shop in the city, which made her chuckle.
“Yeah, I go there all the time.”
“Then I’ll meet you there at seven,” Jack said.
Audrey agreed, and slowly hung up the phone.
Wow. That was incredibly simple.
It seemed unreal, but at least her hands weren’t shaking anymore. She glanced at the clock, which read half past four, and headed into the bathroom to shower away the smell of smoke.
After a good, long scrub with her favorite castile soap and honeysuckle shampoo, Audrey dried off and went immediately to her closet to inspect her wardrobe o
ptions. Unlike her godmother she wasn’t a clothes horse, but she had invested in a few decent outfits over the years. Her favorite one paired an emerald silk blouse she’d bought in Chinatown during a weekend trip to San Francisco with a tailored black skirt that made her hips look less boyish and her slender legs seem longer. The colors also perfectly matched her hair and eyes.
“Not too dressy,” she muttered as she studied herself in the bathroom mirror before she worked her hair into a loose French braid and added some small silver hoop earrings. Since she hated the smell and feel of makeup she never wore any, but added a bit of tinted lip balm to give her full lips a bit more color.
When she stood back she saw her tidy image frowning at her, and sighed. “Okay. Let’s not completely screw this up, shall we?”
JACKSON ARRIVED AT Canton House a half-hour early to choose the best spot to complete his snare for Audrey Mather. A front corner table set between decorative screens in the small tea room provided the intimate space he would need to enchant her without attracting any notice from the other patrons.
After ordering a pot of Pu’er oolong from a smiling Chinese server, Jackson sat down to work the spell. Having the elemental power of fire didn’t limit his ability to work magic, and centuries of studying the craft allowed him to create and conceal the most complex enchantments from other Wiccans.
To me come eagerly, in your desire. He passed his hand over the flame of the small candle on the table to seal his power to the spell. Seek from me your every pleasure. So may it be.
Once he had cast the spell it contracted around him until it became like an invisible, second skin. The moment Audrey touched him, the spell would transfer to her body and compel her to act on her desire for him. He’d known from the first time they’d met face to face that she wanted him; the heat of her longing had set her emerald eyes ablaze. He also guessed she had been resisting her needs, for her reaction to his deliberate touch last night had been surprisingly intense.
While the Magus Corps had been unable to determine how many lovers the rogue witch had taken after being initiated by her first, unfortunate relationship in college, Jackson suspected the paramedic had little experience with men. That also puzzled him. She had to know that, along with complete bliss and virtual immortality, that sex with another Wiccan helped to enhance and refine their power. Jackson knew how twisted killer rogues were. Audrey’s mother had been a particularly disgusting creature.
Perhaps that’s why she’s setting the fires––to use them to hide the traces of ritual sacrifices, like her mother.
If that were the case, then it explained why Audrey had reacted so strongly to his touch. Although his body wards completely masked his true nature and talents, he could not rid himself of the elemental power seething inside him. Even concealed, the heat of his magic would draw her like a moth to an open flame.
“Hey, Jack,” Audrey said as she approached the table and eyed the half-empty cup in front of him. “I’m not late, am I?”
“No, I’m early.” Jackson clamped down on his displeasure and stood to pull out a chair for her. Although he was tempted to touch her now to activate the spell, feeling compelled to leave with him as soon as she arrived might make her suspicious. “Please, sit down.”
“Thank you.” She smiled at the server who came over to the table. “Could I have a pot of Fuijian Snow, please?”
“So you like white,” Jackson said as he sat back down. “Interesting. I would have guessed black.”
“You know your teas. I’m impressed.” Humor and something else danced in her pretty green eyes. “Most guys are better at beer brands.”
“I’m not much of a drinker,” Jackson said, and silently cursed himself. If he’d met her at a bar, he could have gotten her drunk enough to insist on driving her home. “And I think you’re the first person I’ve met in Seattle who doesn’t like coffee.”
“Well, don’t tell anyone, but…” She made a show of looking from side to side before lowering her voice to a confidential level. “I don’t root for the Seahawks, I think hipsters are silly, and I actually like all the rain.”
He leaned forward to murmur back, “Your secrets are safe with me.”
In that moment they were almost close enough to kiss, and Jackson would have considered it if he hadn’t been momentarily entranced. He suspected she had just washed her hair, which gave off the fragrance of honeysuckle, and the only cosmetic she wore was a lip balm that smelled of cherries. Beneath those delicious scents was the smell of her skin, which was cool and sweet, like water from a hidden spring, and wrapped around him like caressing arms.
How can such a lovely thing be so evil?
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Audrey whispered, her eyes wide now.
“You’re so lovely,” he said, shortening his angry thought into a compliment. “It’s difficult to look away.”
A moment later the server arrived at the table with Audrey’s tea, and Jackson considered walking out right then. The witch’s allure had aroused him so much he felt as hard as iron, and it sickened him. She had to be carrying a charm spell to stir his lust, for how else could he want such a murderous creature? Was this how she bespelled her human victims? With a sex spell?
Command’s reminder echoed in his mind. You took an oath to do whatever it takes to carry out your mission, Captain. How many more should have to suffer what you endured before she’s stopped?
“Look, maybe this was a bad idea,” Audrey said as soon as the server left.
Jackson frowned at her. “Why do you say that?”
“I really like you, Jack.” A delicate pink color bloomed on her cheeks as she stared down at her steaming tea cup. “But I haven’t dated anyone since I was in college. Part of it is the job, you know, the crazy hours, and always being on call and stuff.”
He nodded. “What’s the other part?”
She swallowed hard before she met his gaze. “The last guy I was involved with only wanted to use me to get to someone else. I found out and broke up with him, and a few days later he committed suicide.”
Or you made it look like he had, Jackson thought, grudgingly admiring the skillful way she infused her voice with genuine-sounding pain.
“I’m not interested in using you, Audrey, and I can’t kill myself.” When he saw her expression he quickly added, “Suicide is against my personal beliefs.”
“Good to know.” She hesitated before she said, “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m not experienced enough to know exactly what you want from me. Plus I don’t want to get burned again.”
Now was the perfect moment to spring the trap, but it still took all of Jackson’s resolve to reach across the table and cover her slim pale hand with his. A brief tingle of energy assured him of the transfer of the spell from his skin to hers, but he threaded his fingers through hers to carry on the pretense.
“We could dance around it, my lovely one, but I think we both want the same thing. To be naked with each other.”
Audrey’s pupils dilated. “What happens when we are?”
“I want to do this.” He brought her hand to his mouth and brushed his lips across her knuckles. “To every inch of your beautiful body. And this.” He nipped the pad of flesh beneath her thumb before gently licking away the sting. “And this.” He took the tip of her smallest finger into his mouth and sucked it for a moment.
She stared at his mouth. “Are you trying to make me crazy? Because it’s working, really well.”
“Then we both should be locked up.” He touched her cheek and traced the curve of her upper lip with his thumb. “Now tell me what you want, Audrey.”
Her pretty flush darkened, and he felt her trembling as she unconsciously resisted the spell before she sighed.
“To do the same things to you. Right now.”
He gave her a crooked smile. “I wish I could make it happen tonight, but I haven’t found an apartment yet. At the moment I’m staying at a friend
’s house.” He stroked his thumb over the side of her finger. “I’m sorry.”
She bit her lower lip before she said, “We could go to my place.”
He had her, Jackson thought, but his triumph felt hollow. “Are you sure, Audrey? I can wait for you.”
“But I can’t.” She got to her feet and tugged him to his. “Come on.”
AS SHE PULLED up to the front gate of her godmother’s estate Audrey rolled down her window to punch in the security code. The guards who usually manned the gate and watched the house accompanied Hannah whenever she traveled, however, so she and Jackson had the entire estate to themselves.
Me and Jackson. She glanced in her rearview to see the lights of his red pickup truck directly behind her. This is really going to happen.
Once the gate opened she drove up the circular drive past the main house to the garage, where she parked her little compact. Jackson drew up alongside her and did the same before climbing out and walking around to join her.
“Some place.” He didn’t seem at all interested in her godmother’s fancy mansion as he gazed down at her. “Where’s your room?”
Audrey laughed and seized his hand, hauling him after her as she ran along the path that led to the little cottage nestled in the trees.
“Welcome to the permanent guesthouse.” She dug her key out of her pocket and unlocked the front door. “Me being the permanent house guest.”
“Wait.” Before she could step inside Jackson tugged her back to him, and then swept her up in his arms. When she gave him a puzzled look, he said, “I’ve wanted to sweep you off your feet from the first moment I saw you.”
“Really.” Audrey linked her hands behind his strong neck and giggled as he carried her inside and kicked the door shut behind them. “You should do this professionally.”