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Betrayed Page 6
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Page 6
“If your mother hid the fact that she tattooed and cursed you, she was certainly capable of doing something similar to wipe your memory, or conceal it,” Troy said, looking thoughtful. “There is possibly one way Michael or I might access it.”
Summer frowned. “How can you get to memories I can’t remember?”
“We try this again, but with an enchantment that will open your mind as well as your body.” He traced the outline of her lips. “We use sex magic.”
ONE of the mortal staff entered the ready room and hurried toward Nathaniel Harper, who was studying a wall-sized map of New England.
The interruption sent a surge of fury through Nathaniel, but he ignored the human as he marked the next portion of Maine where he would send his men to search for the heathens. When the human didn’t leave he gritted his teeth.
“I left orders not to be disturbed. Must I cut them into your forehead so you may remember them?”
“There was a call for you, my lord.” The mortal held out Nathaniel’s mobile with a trembling hand. “He said only that he is Baldwin, and you have five minutes to call him back.”
Nathaniel snatched the phone and eyed the mortal.
“Get out, and keep everyone else out.”
He had to wait until the man fled before he pressed the call-back button. The line rang five times before a cold voice answered with, “You have ten seconds.”
“You called me,” Nathaniel said in as kind a tone as he could manage. Inside he seethed with anger that he would have to be polite to a Wiccan, but if he lost Baldwin, he might never again find such a valuable source. “What is it?”
“Gideon Edmunds is dead,” Baldwin said. “He was murdered by a witch last night. Would you like to know the sort of noble death she gave him?”
Nathaniel felt shame and relief, tied together with the tight rope of his hatred for all pagans.
“I’m sure you want to tell me.”
“She filled him with a tree. Impaled every bit of him until there was nothing left.” Baldwin sounded gleeful now. “But you mustn’t blame the witch. She was one of his many victims. She even bore his child.”
“Gideon made a Wiccan female pregnant?” Nathaniel thought quickly. “We must have that child. Was it a son?”
“No, a daughter. She’s a grown woman now, and carrying a brat of her own. Poor Gideon, dying before he could find out he was to become a grandfather.” The Templar spy made a tsking sound. “Impalement was the very least he deserved for what he did to all those women. If he’d fallen into my hands, I would have impaled him on a spit and roasted him slowly over an open fire.”
Nathaniel imagined doing the same to his spy, and was surprised by how much pleasure the fantasy gave him.
“I will send someone to collect the remains.”
“Don’t bother, he’s already been burned and buried.” Baldwin’s tone turned sly. “You’re still trying to find the new location of the winter gathering of covens, aren’t you?”
“Yes.” Nathaniel licked his lips. “If you will tell me, I can deposit ten times the usual fee in your Swiss account.”
“I don’t want money this time,” the spy snapped. “I want the witch who killed Gideon to suffer.”
Nathaniel had never known Baldwin to be interested in revenge. The traitorous Wiccan had only ever demanded money.
“Deliver her into our hands,” Nathaniel said, “and I will see to it personally. I can even video tape the interrogations, if you wish.”
Perhaps he should supervise them as well. Alvis had always said that women were the daughters of Eve, doomed to repeat the sins of their ancient, thieving, lying whore of a mother.
“I will deal with her myself,” Baldwin said. “I will arrange for you to capture the man she loves. His name is Abel, and he is the Coven Master of Silver Wood. Once you have taken him, you will torture him for the rest of his life. You will do it in such a way that he suffers all the pain you can inflict without killing him outright. I want him to live a very long and horrifying existence.”
Nathaniel nodded eagerly, and then recalled that the spy couldn’t see him.
“Yes, I will be happy to do so. Now where is the gathering to be held?”
“You Templars are always too quick to attack. I will call the Priory and give you the location once all the covens have arrived,” the spy said. “Then you can be sure to wipe out all of them.”
Nathaniel silently cursed before he said, “Very well. Thank you for informing us about Gideon’s fate. He was much loved among the order.”
“He was a much-loved monster, then,” Baldwin said. “Goodbye, Temple Master.”
“Wait, what about Gideon’s daughter? Can you deliver her to us along with the Coven Master?”
The only thing that answered him was a click, and it so infuriated Nathaniel that he threw the mobile to the floor, where the case shattered. Sullenly he bent over to gather up the device, and saw an image of his scowling face on the screen. He must have activated the camera when he dropped it, Nathaniel thought, and studied his portrait. The corner of his mouth had lifted in a sneer completely at odds with his usually benevolent expression, and he lifted his hand to touch that side of his lips.
“Temple Master,” said Augustin Colbert, Nathaniel’s clergy aide and acting steward. He propelled his wheelchair across the room. “What happened?”
“A minor accident.” Nathaniel turned away from him. “Let the brotherhood know that Gideon Edmunds was murdered by a Wiccan last night. We will hold a memorial gathering for him in the morning at dawn. See to it that everyone not out on assignment attends. Now go.”
Augustin wheeled closer. “My lord, you have had a bad shock. Perhaps I should summon–”
“Get out,” Nathaniel shouted, the words screeching against his own ears.
He repeated them three more times before they echoed in the silence around him. When he turned he didn’t see Augustin or his wheelchair. There was no one and nothing in the room with him.
Had Augustin even come in?
Nathaniel lifted his trembling hand to his face. He had been under a terrible strain these last months. Losing Alvis had been a terrible blow. The Norseman had been his most lethal, effective operative. Gideon’s journey into madness had caused more harm and damage than anyone might have guessed. And Michael, whom he had treated like a son, whom he had taken from his filthy pagan family and raised to be a fine and noble Templar, had gone the way of Judas. Perhaps he should have expected Michael’s betrayal, but to know that the boy whose soul he had saved had sacrificed everything to protect that little whore of a witch maddened Nathaniel.
“I will find her,” he muttered, and wiped the sweat from his upper lip. “And when I do, I will make her pay for what she’s done.”
Will you rape her? That always worked well for me in the first stages. I think it’s the wench’s screams as it’s done. They clear out the cobwebs.
Nathaniel peered at the apparition that gently floated in front of him.
“It can’t be you. You died last night.”
This is how it ends, Temple Master, and how it begins. His dead steward grinned around the butt of the cigar. We’re going to have so much fun, you and I.
Nathaniel pressed his hand over his lips to muffle his scream, and felt his mouth twitch.
TROY AND MICHAEL flanked Summer as they walked the next afternoon over to the pavilion. After the passionate night they’d shared, they were all a little drowsy. But at least Troy could be glad that Summer had no idea that he and Michael were both silently swapping erotic memories as they made their way along the path.
“Actually, I do,” Summer said suddenly, tucking her arm through Troy’s. “Not only can I read your thoughts, I can feel your emotions. I can also switch it off when I want to give you some privacy.”
“I’m an open book,” Troy said, and thought of putting his mouth between
Summer’s legs.
“As am I,” Michael chimed in, his thoughts suddenly filled with his hands fondling her breasts.
“Very funny.” Summer stopped and frowned. “Whoa. Who are all those people?”
Troy followed the direction of her gaze to see a long caravan of cars and trucks coming up the mountain access road.
“I think the first coven has arrived. It’s probably Crystal Lake. Their Coven Master hates to be late for anything, so he usually makes everyone turn up early.” He lifted an arm and waved at the lead car before taking Summer’s hand. “Father is probably going to need some extra hands to help sort out the vehicles at the camp grounds. Would you mind visiting for a bit with Erica and Aileen while Michael and I help out?”
“No problem.” She rubbed the front of her jacket. “And Michael, if you don’t stop thinking about sucking my nipples, I’m going to hurt you.”
“You are right.” The Templar grinned, snatched her off her feet and rubbed his face against the front of her jacket. “I would much rather do it than think it. Unzip, please.”
“I don’t want to put a damper on things,” an amused male voice said, “but you can’t have sex on the lawn in front of the pavilion.” It was Wilson. “At least, not until the rest of the covens get here and we make popcorn and get our video cameras.”
Michael lowered Summer as Troy grinned at his younger brother.
“We’ll try to restrain ourselves. Was that Crystal Lake I saw coming up the road?”
Wilson nodded. “The other covens should be right behind them. If you and Michael have some spare time, we could use the help getting them squared away.”
“I can take a hint.” Summer lifted her hands. “I’m going to visit your wife and her mom.”
She looked up at Michael, touched the pull of her jacket zipper as if she meant to tug it down, and then sauntered off toward the main house.
Wilson joined Troy and Michael to watch her go.
“Is she always like that?” When they both made affirmative sounds he sighed heavily. “Gods, I wish my wife wasn’t nine months pregnant right now.”
A few hours later Troy finished stacking the last load of firewood for Crystal Lake’s camp and hauled the empty cart back to Wilson’s pick up. He saw Michael wheeling a barrow of stones toward the center of the encampment, where the women were setting up their cooking and ritual fires. The big Templar seemed oblivious to all the frank, admiring looks the witches were giving him, but he smiled whenever a child or pet crossed his path.
“We’re finished here for now,” Wilson said as he joined Troy by the back of the truck. He nodded toward Michael. “That guy just doesn’t quit.”
“Yeah, they never taught him that.”
“We’re not telling anyone that Michael was a Templar,” Wilson said quietly. “We all agreed at dinner last night. If anyone finds out, it’ll be from him.”
“Or the spy.” Troy dragged his hand through his hair. “I still think holding the gathering here is a bad idea. If the Templars find out and come for us–”
“We’ve got sentries posted at the beginning and end of the road on the mountain. If they come, we’ll know. We’re also armed and ready for them.” Wilson scuffed the toe of his boot in the cold dirt between them. “Troy, I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Pretty much our whole lives,” his brother said. “I shouldn’t have let Father and jealousy get between us. I know Aileen doesn’t have any feelings for you. I called your woman and your friend ugly names, and despised them, and treated them like shit, and they go and save me from being a chainsaw massacre.” He cocked his head as he regarded Michael again, who had stopped to look at them. “I’m still not sure why he risked his life to save my ass.”
Troy could feel Michael picking up on his thoughts, and nodded to the Templar.
“He understands how much brothers mean to each other.”
“I didn’t. I’m an ass, and I know it, but I’d like to start over with you.” He faced him and held out his hand. “Brothers?”
Troy ignored the hand and pulled Wilson into his arms, holding him close for a long moment. “Brothers.”
SUMMER STOOD OUTSIDE the shadow book vault and shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. She watched Troy sort through the grimoire stored in the warded shelves inside, while Michael kept an eye on the door.
“Your father is going to walk in here,” she said. “He’ll find us raiding his magic book depository and toss us all off the mountain, you know.”
“Erica promised to keep him busy for another hour at the coven welcoming ritual,” Troy said as he emerged and shook some dust from his hair before he held up a small, silk-bound grimoire. “And I found it, so we can leave right now.”
Michael scowled. “How can performing an evil spell do any good for Summer or us?”
“Sex magic can be unpredictable, and if done wrong even dangerous, but it’s never been evil. It’s one of the oldest sources of white magic known to Wiccans.” He tucked the book inside his coat. “And if my father finds out the three of us are going to try it, he’ll kill me before we can, so let’s go.”
On the way out of the main house they stopped to say goodbye to Wilson and Aileen, and Summer immediately noticed the change in the way Troy and his brother regarded each other. She kissed Aileen’s cheek.
“I think you actually have a brother-in-law now,” Summer whispered.
“I’m claiming two from now on.” The pregnant witch beamed at Michael, who was her new favorite person. “Will you and the guys come to dinner tomorrow night? Erica is having a surprise baby shower for me, and yes, I’m not supposed to know, but I want you there.”
“Count on it,” Summer said, and gave her a hug.
On the way back to the old house Troy and Michael were quiet, and Summer could sense that they were thought-sharing, but decided not to listen in. The problem with always being able to know what her lovers were thinking was that she didn’t want to know. When the time came for her to have a baby shower someday, she did want it to be a surprise.
One baby shower for a little girl, Summer thought.
While she still felt somewhat bitter over having her future so ruthlessly planned out for her, she was beginning to accept it. Surely her mother must have felt the same when she learned she was to be the next guardian–
We are born knowing it, Daughter.
Summer stood alone in the dark, snowy woods, and turned around to see Troy and Michael standing like statues behind her. Ahead of her a soft green light glowed, and her mother appeared, her two lovers standing behind her.
Why have you brought me here, Maman?
Her mother turned aside, indicating someone just beyond her lovers. Summer saw another woman with light brown hair and opal eyes.
My grandmother?
Summer stood on tiptoe as she saw yet another woman and two men beyond her grandmother, and a trio behind her, and another, and on and on until they disappeared beyond the horizon.
How long have we been doing this, Maman?
Since the first immortal tried to use the Emerald Tablet to rule over the world, her mother said. It was decided then to use its power to create the blood line. We are not human or immortal, my darling. We are the children of the Tablet.
“But if I’m not human, or immortal, what am I?” Summer didn’t realize she’d said that out loud to Troy and Michael until she saw them staring at her. “Sorry. Just, ah, thinking out loud.”
Troy shook his head slightly. “Come on, you two. I’m freezing.”
“You’re a water elemental,” Michael complained. “Can’t you melt winter or something like that?”
Neither of them seemed to know they’d been frozen in time while she’d had a mental chat with her mother. And why now, when they were simply walking through the woods to go home?
Once they reached the old house Summer went to the kitchen to brew some gingered orange tea, which always helped warm
them up, and pushed the strange interlude with her mother from her mind. So she came from a long line of not-human, not-immortal women who liked threesomes and only had one kid. Everyone had to come from somewhere.
“You look worried.”
She turned around to see Michael watching her from the doorway.
“I’m not. I’m making tea.” She took the kettle from the stove and filled the three cups she’d prepared before handing one to him. “Has Troy turned himself into a sexy little toad yet?”
“I heard that,” Troy called from the dining room.
As Summer went to take his tea to him, Michael stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.
“You do not have to do this, if you would rather not. I will tell him to put the book back.”
“You’re worried. What is it? Is it the sex part?” she asked, and rolled her eyes when he gave her a very direct look. “Okay, aside from the sex part, what’s bothering you about this?”
“I am not a warlock. I have never managed much in the way of magic.” He ducked his head. “I trust Troy to cast the spell correctly, but if something does go amiss, you must help him before me. If you can help us. Or you can choose not to do this.”
“Michael, every day I don’t remember my past it threatens our future together.” She covered his hand with hers. “I have to know the rest of it.”
He nodded, and put his arm around her shoulder as he walked with her to the dining room. Troy had removed the tables and chairs, and had drawn a spell circle on the floor using thin lines of frost. The sex magic grimoire lay open on the table, and when Summer glanced at it she saw an illustration of two men and a woman standing naked inside the same type of circle. When she blinked, the image changed to one of one man and a woman having sex standing up.
“Take off your clothes,” Troy told her as he pulled his shirt over his head and unfastened his belt. “Don’t touch me or Michael until you’re inside the circle.”